Oddset has launched the world's shortest game show aimed at engaging and entertaining viewers during commercial breaks of other TV programs. The program, titled "The one who knows the most wins the most," has premiered on TV and online this week, featuring international football as its main focus. The show, developed by Svenska Spel Sport & Casino in collaboration with Perfect Fools, is a full-length program lasting 20 to 30 seconds. It is structured like a classic quiz show, where former world-famous football stars compete against each other. The first season features Tomas Brolin, Marcus Allbäck, Petronella Ekroth, and Patrik "Bjärred" Andersson, who humorously answer challenging questions about international football. The well-known sports personality, Staffan Lindeborg, hosts the show.
"It's a fun challenge to create a complete program with an intro, theme, band, questions, answers, ads, and closing credits in just 30 seconds. And it's a dream to do it with this lineup," says Petter Esbjörnsson, creator at Perfect Fools.
In digital channels like YouTube and social media, viewers can participate in the competition. However, they must be quick, as the program format is very short.
"The campaign is a perfect example of how Oddset creates entertainment for viewers with a light-hearted approach instead of pushing bonuses. It will be the ultimate entertainment for viewers during commercial breaks while also highlighting Oddset's expertise in international football," says Ken Söderqvist, Brand Manager for Oddset.